Ethiopia West Arsi Mandoyea
COUNTRY: Ethiopia
REGION: Nensebo Village
VARIETY: Heirloom
ALTITUDE: 2200 masl
PROCESS: Natural
TASTING NOTES: Notes of red grapes and tropical fruits; raisins and dried apricot.
Mandoyea is located at the heart of Nensebo Woreda with a total of 572 farmers delivering red cherries. Located in Oromia, about 400 km south of Addis Ababa, the Nensebo Woreda is home to a collection of smallholder farmers totalling 5,000 hectares of coffee. The average farm size in Nensebo is two hectares and producers cultivate a range of heirloom coffee varieties, including wild varietals originating from the neighbouring forest of Bale Mountain.
For the naturals, the cherries are floated before being placed on raised African beds. The floating removes immature cherries for an optimal profile.